About NDIS
Understanding the NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) allows you a choice in deciding how to use government-endorsed funds allocated for your support.Get the support you need, we understand it’s a big change and we are here to support you in understanding what it means for you or a loved one.
How does NDIS work?
The NDIS empowers individuals with disabilities by providing greater choice, control, and independence. This government-funded program replaces existing disability services funding and offers a flexible funding package for the specific types of services you require. You have the freedom to choose your preferred service providers and have a greater say in the support you need to lead a fulfilling life.
At an NDIS planning meeting, your individual needs and goals are considered to create a personalised plan. The approved funding package is directed to you, allowing you to spend it directly on the services you require from any approved service provider.
Navigating significant changes can be confusing, and we're here to help. If you need assistance in understanding the NDIS, please contact us by
Eligibility for NDIS support package
To be eligible for an NDIS support package, you must meet certain requirements, including:
Residing in an area where the NDIS is available
Meeting the residency requirements, which involve being an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Special Category Visa holder.
Meeting the disability or early intervention requirements
Being under 65 years of age at the time of making the access request
Fulfilling any other conditions relevant to your individual circumstances
You can request an NDIS support package through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). If you're already receiving government-funded support, you may already have automatic access and may not need to submit a new application. Once you become a part of the NDIS, you will be referred to as a "participant".
What support can be funded in an NDIS package?
NDIS funding can cover a wide range of supports including:
Assistance with daily personal activities
Transport to community, social, economic, and daily life activities
Workplace funding to help you obtain or maintain employment in the open or supported labour market
Therapeutic supports, including behaviour support
Help with household tasks to maintain your home environment
Professional assistance with aids or equipment assessment, set up, and training
Home modification design and construction
Mobility equipment
Vehicle modifications
For more examples of supports that may be provided to participants, please visit the NDIS website. Feel free to contact us to discuss preparing for your NDIS planning meeting.
What is an NDIS plan?
It is a set of ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports that you agree upon with a Local Area Coordinator. These supports are provided by registered service providers, and the funds may be managed by
You (the participant) or
the NDIA, or
A registered plan management provider, or
A nominee of the participant.
The purpose of an NDIS plan is to provide you with greater choice and control over your supports so that you can achieve your goals with the right assistance.
We can help you achieve your goals
Get in touch with us to discuss how we can provide you with the support and care you need and help you feel independent.